Craft Villages in Vietnam

Basket Weaving of Taita-Taveta

Weaving baskets is a tradition in Taita culture. The sisal baskets produced in Kenya's Taita Taveta County are regarded by many as regional treasures. The unique baskets are produced according to the traditional art, most often by local women who have passed down the skill from generation to generation.

Doi Tam Drum production village

Drums of Doi Tam Village have been well-known throughout the country. These drums look simple but produce very beautiful sounds that seem to express of the makers. Visiting the village, you will have opportunities to study the secret of this craft. According to custom, drum-making techniques are transferred to sons and their wives, not daughters and their husbands.

Woven Ethiopian Baskets

Basket weaving is one of the oldest human crafts. Found throughout the centuries in numerous forms across countless cultures, peoples, and groups, woven baskets rank with pottery and textilessket weaving is one of the oldest human crafts. Found throughout the centuries in numerous forms...

Wood Carving Village in Mombasa

Akamba handicraft is one of the largest wood carvings industries in Kenya, where you will find approximately 5000 people all working with hands to produce the beautiful African carvings. It is a Kenyan organization that produces high-quality animal, functional and decorative carvings, masks and ornaments, human sculptures, and customized goods.

Traditional Crafts in Kenya

Kenya has over 40 tribes and each community has a unique way of life. Crafts in Kenya are part of an industry that drives the country’s economy, known as the "Jua Kali" sector. The “Jua Kali” is an East African term that means intense or hot sun, which reflects the rigorous work artists have to do under the scorching...